Terms & Conditions –
1. This price list is not a regular price list. It is a special trial offer valid from 21st November, 2020 till 20th December, 2020 only.
2. Above calculations are nearest calculations, but are not exact calculations as costs, tariffs and technology keep on changing.
For exact calculations at present time, please take a recent evaluation from our company representative.
3. Above are charges for Solar Power Generation System including standard installation material, installation charges are not
included in it.
4. Net Meter & connection charges are extra as applicable by discom in your area.
5. Solar generation is calculated at Rs 7 per unit, as expert configuration should save only non-subsidized electricity units.
6. Solar generation is measured at solar irradiance of 5.5 kWh / sqr mtr and is taken as one twelfth of yearly generation.
7. ROI calculation is based on current net metering rules for domestic consumer and on assumption that solar degradation will
cancel out the increment in electricity tariff.
8. Finance facility is arranged by UTL Solar, but is provided by various finance companies only. Related documentation is
required to be done with Finance companies only.