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solar pcu(3)(1)-min


Solar Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) is an integrated system consisting of a solar charge controller, inverter and a Grid charger. It provides the facility to charge the battery bank either through Solar or Grid. The PCU continuously monitors the state of Battery Voltage, Solar Power and output loads. Due to sustained usage of power, when the Battery Voltage falls below a certain level, the PCU will automatically transfer the load to the Grid power and also charge the Batteries. On Grid Solar PCU is a “Grid Interactive type Solar PCU” which is based on “Grid Tie & Off Grid” counterpart. This Model has the facility of using Net metering policy of our state by selling electricity to the Government. It works as a Bi-directional on Grid side which means power will be exported into the grid or power will be imported from the Grid.

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🔋 Below 150Ah

🔋 150Ah - 180Ah

🔋 Above 180Ah


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⚙️ Gel Battery

⚙️ Tubular Battery


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📝 Below 36 Months*

📝 36 Months* to 54 Months*

📝 Above 54 Months*

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ALFA+ Pro MPPT Off-grid Solar PCU 1kVA/24V | Multi Charging Mode

UTL Off grid pcu

Alfa+ PCU

PCU (Power Conditioning Unit) is an integrated unit consists of grid charger, inverter, MPPT Solar Charger. It continuously monitors Battery and Solar voltage as well as Grid and Output voltage with their currents. MPPT based solar charger extracts the maximum power from the solar panels whereby it increases the efficiency of the system. MPPT charger has multistage charging which maintains the battery charging voltage such that it increases the lifespan of battery.

UTL off grid pcu

Gamma Solar PCU

Gamma PCU is a Solar Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) which uses Solar energy (primary) and also the power from grid (secondary), to charge the batteries. Since usage of power from grid is secondary, grid power is only used when solar energy is not present and battery voltage level reduces to a certain level. Grid power is also needed when solar power is reduced to a certain level and battery voltage is reduced to a certain level.

↓ 27%
Gamma Solar PCU

GAMMA rMPPT Solar PCU 2kVA/24V (Maximum Preference to Solar)

MARS ONLINE UPS 5kVA to 20kVA (3in 3out)

Online PCU

UTL Off grid pcu

Online PCU

PCU is a Solar Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) which uses Solar energy (primary) and also the power from grid (secondary), to charge the batteries. Since usage of power from grid is secondary, grid power is only used when solar energy is not present and battery voltage level reduces to a certain level. Grid power is also needed when solar power is reduced to a certain level and battery voltage is reduced to a certain level.

UTL Grid Export Solar PCU

Sigma+ PCU

Sigma+ PCU is a solar power conditioning unit which is a single phase output, Inverter system. It works as a Bi-directional inverter which means power will be exported into the grid or power will be imported from the Grid.
The Sigma+ PCU work in two operating condition:
1. Stand-alone 2. Grid Interactive

Sigma+ PCU

Sigma+ PCU

String Solar Inverter

String Inverter
1kW to 3kW Single Phase

UTL String (Grid-tied) solar panel system is simply a solar energy system that is connected to the electrical grid and, therefore, uses electricity from both the solar panel system and the electrical grid. If needed, the home can draw energy from the grid at times (such as on cloudy days or at night) when solar panels are not producing at full efficiency. Likewise, if more energy than is needed is generated by the solar panels of one home, that excess energy will be fed into the grid for use elsewhere.It will help to reduce our electricity bills and also reduce environment carbon emission.
Available in:- 1kW to 3kW in Single Phase with 1 MPPT String

String Inverter 1kW to 3kW Single Phase

String Inverter 1kW to 3kW Single Phase

String Inverter 3.2kW to 5kW Single Phase

String Inverter 3.2kW to 5kW Single Phase

String Solar Inverter

String Inverter
3.2kW to 5kW Single Phase

UTL String (Grid-tied) solar panel system is simply a solar energy system that is connected to the electrical grid and, therefore, uses electricity from both the solar panel system and the electrical grid. If needed, the home can draw energy from the grid at times (such as on cloudy days or at night) when solar panels are not producing at full efficiency. Likewise, if more energy than is needed is generated by the solar panels of one home, that excess energy will be fed into the grid for use elsewhere.It will help to reduce our electricity bills and also reduce environment carbon emission.
Available in:- 3.2kW to 5kW in Single Phase with 1 MPPT String of 2MPPT Tracker

String Solar Inverter

String Inverter
5kW to 12kW Three Phase

UTL String (Grid-tied) solar panel system is simply a solar energy system that is connected to the electrical grid and, therefore, uses electricity from both the solar panel system and the electrical grid. If needed, the home can draw energy from the grid at times (such as on cloudy days or at night) when solar panels are not producing at full efficiency. Likewise, if more energy than is needed is generated by the solar panels of one home, that excess energy will be fed into the grid for use elsewhere.It will help to reduce our electricity bills and also reduce environment carbon emission.
Available in:- 5kW to 12kW in Three Phase with 1 MPPT String of 2 MPPT Tracker

String Inverter 5kW to 12kW Three Phases

String Inverter 5kW to 12kW Three Phases

String Inverter

String Inverter 10kW to 20kW Three Phases

String Solar Inverter

String Inverter
10kW to 20kW Three Phase

UTL String (Grid-tied) solar panel system is simply a solar energy system that is connected to the electrical grid and, therefore, uses electricity from both the solar panel system and the electrical grid. If needed, the home can draw energy from the grid at times (such as on cloudy days or at night) when solar panels are not producing at full efficiency. Likewise, if more energy than is needed is generated by the solar panels of one home, that excess energy will be fed into the grid for use elsewhere.It will help to reduce our electricity bills and also reduce environment carbon emission.
Available in:- 10kW to 20kW in Three Phase with 1 or 2 MPPT String of 2 MPPT Tracker

String Solar Inverter

String Inverter
30kW to 60kW Three Phase

UTL String (Grid-tied) solar panel system is simply a solar energy system that is connected to the electrical grid and, therefore, uses electricity from both the solar panel system and the electrical grid. If needed, the home can draw energy from the grid at times (such as on cloudy days or at night) when solar panels are not producing at full efficiency. Likewise, if more energy than is needed is generated by the solar panels of one home, that excess energy will be fed into the grid for use elsewhere.It will help to reduce our electricity bills and also reduce environment carbon emission.
Available in:- 30kW to 60kW in Three Phase with 2 or 4 MPPT String of 3 MPPT Tracker

String Inverter

String Inverter 30kW to 60kw Three Phases


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